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Getting Started

Access the Department Hub

You can access the Department Hub at, but you must have a Fire Station Software ID (FSSID) to log in. Your sales representative will send the first invitation to join the platform and create a FSSID.

The Initial Setup Invitation

As the department manager, you will receive the first invitation to join. Look for an email titled You Are Invited to a Department's Hub then follow the steps in this article:

Accepting Department Invitations

That's it! You are now ready to begin configuring settings for your department. Please read below to see what options are available to department managers.

Use the Department Hub

Department Manager

As a department manager, you can invite additional members to your department as well as manage existing members within your department.

Read more about using the Department Hub as a department manager.

Department Member

As a department member, you can launch any of the web-based Fire Station+ apps.

Read more about using the Department Hub as a department member.