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Getting Started

Create Your FSSID

YouIn canorder accessto theuse DepartmentFire Hub at To sign in,Station+, you must haveneed a Fire Station Software ID (FSSID). If you do not have one, please ask your department administrator to send you an invitation or reach out to us at

If you are a new department, the onboarding team will send the initial invitation to your department's administrator.

In your inbox, look for an email titled You Are Invited to a Department's Hub! and look for the invitation link labelled "Click Here to Continue". To create your FSSID, follow the link and fill out your information in the registration form.


That's it! You are now ready to sign in and use yourFire department's Hub!Station+.

UseLaunch theFire DepartmentStation+ HubApps

Department ManagerHub

IfThe Department Hub app is where you aremanage your department'sFSSID manager, you can invite additional members to your department as well as manage existing members withinand your department. It also is a central location for opening other apps.

Read more about usingAccess the Department Hub asat a department manager.

DepartmentApparatus MemberChecks

IfThe youApparatus areChecks aweb departmentapp member,is youan can launch anyextension of the web-basedApparatus Checks module in Fire Station. You can manage your apparatus, equipment and check forms, and conduct checks with mobile or tablet devices.

Access the Apparatus Checks app at

Incident Reports

There are two components to incident reporting in Fire Station+ apps.:

The Incident Reports app is an extension of the Incident Reporting module in Fire Station. You can use the web app to fill out NFIRS reports quickly and accurately– save your progress at any time!

Access the Incident Reports app at Read


You aboutcan usinguse the Field Reports app to collect incident information in the scene and upload it to the Incident Reports app later on.

Download the Android app from the Department Hub asat a department member.