November Release
Stage 1 –
November 13th13th, 2023
Department Hub
- Rebuilt the entire user interface to improve navigation and provide consistency across all apps going forward
- Improved security for authentication and app access
- Added improved user profile (FSSID) editing, and added ability to upload a profile photo
- Added department switching option to the user menu to streamline multiple department management
- Added dedicated app switcher and launcher to quickly switch between apps
Accept Invitation Page
- Streamlined the invitation process for new members with an FSSID vs new members without one
Home Page
- Added a new Home page to summarize the department’s status and configuration settings
- Added ability to edit department information, including updating the department logo
License Page
- Added new License page to view the current department license
Members Page
- Added new standalone page for enhanced member searching
- Added new member detail page with streamlined interface for common tasks (i.e. Send Password Reset, Remove Member, Update Permissions, Link Member to Fire Station Firefighter)
Invitations Page
- Added a new standalone page for managing department invitations
- All invitations are now visible, whether they are pending, expired or accepted
- Invitations can now be resent and if they are expired, the expiration will be moved forward
- Invitation can now be deleted before they are accepted
Fire Station+ App Compatibility
- Updated Apparatus Checks authentication to use the new login user interface
Stage 2 – November 15th to December 15th
Department Hub
Fire Station Install Page
- Added a new page to download the installer
- Added installation and update instructions
- Added a feature to email the installer to people
- If they are not a member, they will be invited to the department
- Added permissions for allowing members to install and register Fire Station on their devices
Fire Station Devices
- Added a new page to look through registered devices for the department
- Added a new page to manage the software and configuration settings for a single registered device
Fire Station Settings
- Added a new page to view Fire Station configuration settings
- Added a feature to allow department managers to disable automatic software updates and pick when to distribute the software changes
- Added a feature to make policy changes (i.e. Enforce FSSID Sign In)
- Added a feature to allow department managers to change which device is running notification services
Fire Station+ Settings
- Added a new page to view Fire Station+ configuration settings
- Added device and browser compatibility list for Fire Station+ apps
Fire Station Setup
- Added new setup program for registering devices and installing Fire Station
- Department files are now separated into individual folders to prevent issues with multiple department management
Register & Install Page
- Can install updates directly from the Department Hub
- Added screens to configure and test self-hosted database connection information
- Can detect when settings are broken and need to be fixed
- Streamlined controls for enabling the notification services on the device
Fire Station Desktop
Sign In Page
- Added new sign in page that allows FSSID sign in
- Added department switching page to streamline multiple department management
- Added shortcuts to register the device for new departments and remove a registered device
- Added Fire Station+ shortcuts to launch apps (i.e. Department Hub, Apparatus Checks)
- The launcher will sign in with your currently selected department
Manage Personnel Page
- Added new tab (FSSID) for admins to link firefighters to their FSSID in the Department Hub
- Added shortcut to send department hub member invitations
- Invitation is sent directly from Fire Station Desktop instead of going through the Department Hub
- Made the “Check for Updates” feature always accessible in Fire Station Desktop in favor of disabling automatic updates in the Department Hub
- Fixed expired license message so that it does not refer to non-demo licenses as demo licenses
- Fixed issue where the Basic Module address was included in the NFIRS file when Wildland Fire Module address was present
- When NFIRS file is generated, Human Factors Involved on the Fire Module now defaults to “N” when no option is selected
- Fixed issue where Wildland Fire Property Ownership did not load selections correctly when editing
- Fixed validation related to property ownership (NFIRS 5.0 Relational Edit 44)
- Fixed issue where Mobile Property Involved dropdown was hidden by other form elements in the Fire Module
- Fixed NFIRS Relational Edit 97 on the NFIRS-5 (Fire Service Casualty) module
- When exporting NFIRS 5.0 reports with the NFIRS-4 (Civilian Casualty) module, when block M2 (General Location at Time of Injury) is set to “1 In area of origin” the NFIRS 5.0 report included “-1” in the Story At Start of Incident and Story When Injury Occurred fields of the Civilian Fire Casualty Transaction (Type 1400). This has been corrected to include blank values instead of “-1”.
- Updated the layout of block F1, F2, and F3 of the NFIRS-2 (Fire) module to line up the fields
- Updated block F1 (Equipment Involved in Ignition) of the NFIRS-2 (Fire) module to require “None” to be selected or an option to be selected
- Updated block H1 (Mobile Property Involved) of the NFIRS-2 (Fire) module to require “None” to be selected or an option to be selected
- Implemented validation on NFIRS-1 (Basic) module Person Involved and Owner that requires phone numbers to be at least 10 characters for departments using OFIRMS
- Fixed NFIRS Relational Edit 17 on the NFIRS-9/10 (Personnel and Apparatus) module
- Fixed NFIRS Relational Edit 142 on the NFIRS-11 (Arson) Juvenile Firesetter module
- Fixed NFIRS Relational Edit 58 on the NFIRS-2 (Fire) module
- Updated the NFIRS 5.0 Report to exclude NFIRS-4 (Civilian Casualty) transactions when the Incident Typer is greater than the 100 series, in accordance with NFIRS Relational Edit 35
- When using OFIRMS, added additional validation for Human Factors Involved for Incident Type 140
- Added validation rule to handle NFIRS Relational Edit 35 when using OFIRMS on the NFIRS-1 (Basic) Continued module’s civilian injury and death counts
- Fixed issue where spaces in the training event type, subject or instructor could cause events to be hidden
- Fixed an issue where updating was blocked when the license was expired
- Updated the NFIRS report to generate dates/times (i.e. alarm time) with 00 for seconds if it is left blank in the form to avoid validation errors in OFIRMS
- Fixed a bug where department logos were sometimes not display due to the app’s internal naming of the file
- When using OFIRMS, added additional validation to not allow the arrival time for Incident Type 611
- Fixed a bug in the Yearly training report where table headers on subsequent pages were not starting with the selected month
- Fixed a bug where editing a training event could sometimes reset the event hours to 0
Stage 3 – January 5th – 11th
Apparatus Checks App (Fire Station+)
Refactored the entire user interface to bring it in line with the Department HubImproved the user experience when running the app on tablet devices
Apparatus Management Layout
Added layout to view all apparatus in a list and quickly switch between themApparatus check status is visible at all timesAdded per-apparatus settings for days-between-checks to drive the status indicatorAdded menu shortcuts to create new apparatus records
Apparatus Management – Check History Page
Added new page to view all checks for an apparatusA new check can be quickly launched for an apparatusA warning appears when a check is currently in progress for the apparatus
Apparatus Management – Checklist Page
Added new page to configure the apparatus checklist
Apparatus Management – Inventory
Added a new page to explore the compartment and item configuration for an apparatusAdded a new page to edit and sort compartments and items
Apparatus Management – Apparatus Details
Added a new page to edit apparatus detailsA picture of the apparatus can be uploaded and viewed in-appApparatus can now be removed from the app
Apparatus Checks Page
Streamlined the check processAdded support for viewing compartment and item photos during checksAdded better control for editing and deleting all apparatus problems on a single pageStreamlined the check assignment and participation controlsIf a non-assigned member participates in the check, they will automatically be included on the participation screen