Configure Fire Station Settings
You need Department Manager permissions to make these changes
Configure Software Updates
You can choose the version of Fire Station Desktop that you want your department members to install, or you can choose to let them install the latest version as soon as it is available.
- On a browser, go to and sign in.
- In the left menu click Settings in the Fire Station section.
- In the Software Updates section, click the "Configure" button on the right.
- Choose one of the two options:
- If you want your department members to install the latest updates as soon as they are available, then toggle "Enable Automatic Updates" on.
- If you want to keep department members on a specific version, then toggle "Enable Automatic Updates" off, and select the version you want to install.
- Click "Save".
Making changes to the settings will push a configuration update to all registered devices.
Configure Policies
You can configure policies that control the settings for your department when they install or sign in to Fire Station Desktop.
Sign In Policy
- FSSID Sign In Optional - allow department members to sign in with their FSSIDs or using their database user. This option is not allowed if you use Cloud Data Hosting (CDH).
- Require FSSID Sign In - require department members to sign in with their FSSIDs only. If selected, this option cannot be undone. Members will have 30 days to create FSSIDs for sign in.
Offline Installation Policy
- Offline Installations Not Allowed - requires an internet connection to install Fire Station on a device.
- Offline Installations Allowed - allows department members to download installation files and transfer them to a device and install them without connecting to the internet. This option is only available to customers that have been grandfathered in to legacy systems.
To change policies:
- On a browser, go to and sign in.
- In the left menu click Settings in the Fire Station section.
- In the Policies section, click one of the "Configure" buttons on the right.
- Adjust the policies and click "Save".